Performance Leadership International

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Sit down with a trusted confidant and partner and become crystal clear on who you are and where you are going both personally and professionally.

Peer Business

Join a diverse community of like- minded business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders who are determined to grow their business and grow themselves.

Kimberly Layne Roberts

I am an Executive Leadership Coach and a Peer Business Group Chair. Why? because I love helping people get out of their own way, learn to lean and collaborate with others, leverage the brain power of a collective, and manifest their professional and personal  dreams into reality. If you want it, believe it, feel it, it will happen.

Your success is contingent on the top five people you spend the most time with on a regular basis.   By connecting you to your peers, your power, ability, and success is unstoppable. As a Vistage Chair and a Trusted Executive Coach, I have never had such a fulfilling purpose.

I have a deep understanding of psychogolgy, the neuro emotional brain, and leveraging programs like Positive Intelligence, The Predictive Index, EQi Emotional Intelligence and both the Emotion Code and Body Code, and Reiki Energy Healing where appropriate.  This expertise coupled with my Fortune 100 experience brings impactful value to my clients and my entrepreneur and business peer group. 

My Fortune 100 experience with healthcare companies and start-ups provides my clients with real and extensive experience in navigating and achieving the following:
• Creating business verticals, and new business ventures from the ground up
• Achieving and surpassing Sales and Profitability Goals, from $25 M to over $50
• Leading Change Management for mergers, acquisitions, outsourcing and offshoring
• Budget Management
• Business Planning, Marketing, and Sales Strategy for Annual revenue targets
• Emotional Intelligence to be a better leader and to meet your people where they are.

After my corporate adventures, I decided to give back to the world by improving the quality and talents of leadership to make a larger impact on the world of today, and for those that follow.  And, to ensure leaders achieve their business goals and  success not at the expense of their relationships, health, and personal joy.

I love what I do and I look forward to working with you.


Human philosophy

Performance Leadership International’s (PLI) coaching and consulting is based on the human centric philosophy that your people and teams are your greatest investment, asset, and competitive advantage.  By understanding an individual’s natural drives and methods of communication we can ensure we put them in the right role, and we manage them the way they want to be managed.   Because we are happiest and do best, what we do naturally.  

PLI leverages the scientifically backed Predictive Index, coaching, and consulting to enable leaders and organizations to solve three expensive problems: (1) hiring the right person for long term success, (2) managing others they wish to be managed for greatest productivity, and retention, and (3) designing teams that are aligned with specific business strategy and outcomes.  

Kimberly and PLI, lead a Peer Business Group for Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners and Leaders, monthly. Here members challenge each other, think outside the box, share best practices, and grow their business and grow themselves.

Benefits Include:
  • Experienced Insights
  • And Advice
  • Confidential Comraderie
  • Business Support
  • Issue Processing
  • Big Decison Impact
  • Personal And Leadership
  • Development

Listen In:
How Kimberly and PLI improved a Four Time CEO's Leadership Skills