Why Do I Coach? I was a workaholic and sacrificed everything in my life to be successful only to achieve what I dreamed of and to realize
(1) I still wasn’t happy
(2) Something was missing
(3) It was lonely at the top
(4) I was burned out
(5) I could have used a coach and a peer group
There had to be more and a different way. I see successful people who appear to have a significant and important relationship AND are happy!
Yes, I will coach you to achieve ALL your dreams, and I will do that by reprogramming your neuro emotional chemistry so that you are no longer running away from, and or trying to prove something, and you begin to run towards your highest capacity and highest JOY. You will also achieve the following:
Become A Stronger Leader
Performance Leadership Intl. loves helping leaders become the best version of themselves. Through your Personal Predictive Index Assessment, you will become aware of your strengths, and your blind spots. PLI coaching will empower you to achieve your personal and professional goals so you can empowers others. Invest in yourself to grow your executive presence, confidence, collaboration, strategic mindset, and leadership autonomy.
Become A More Conscious Leader
Performance Leadership Intl. believes that good leadership begins with
self awareness. Through one-on-one coaching, emotional intelligence
assessments, and a focus on the origination of your emotions and fears,
you will be able to mitigate your mind saboteur address your blocks,
and step into your full power as a leader.
Become a Balanced Leader
Performance Leadership Intl. knows it can help you achieve your
business goals. Our role as your Executive Coach is to ensure you reach
those goals AND have your happiness, health, and relationships in tact.
There is no achievement, if we are lonely, stressed out, out of balance,
and unhappy. Life as a Leader can be fulfilling, and joyful and we are
here to help you do it, feel it, and live it.